Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Friend Who Is Our Time Capsule!

While i was sitting down to think what do i blog, i was going through various topics in my mind. However one specific incident this week stuck in mind and i want to blog about it.

This blog is a dedicated to one of my closest friend - Ramkarishnan Vaidyanathan aka Ramkri. He is one of his type in this world . We call him " the chord"  that keeps all of our friendship going in a very literal sense.

I have been blessed to have a friend like him, like many of those unique people in this world, he is sweet, extremely caring, literally puts his friends life in front of his own, very down to earth , the list is endless.

Having said that , one of the signature qualities in him is to keep fond memories fresh, for which all of our friends circle adore him. He is our " Time Capsule" .

He has this unique gift of quoting incident after incident and various experiences in striking details. This week was pinnacle of what i have seen so far. 

There was an article about the movie Lagaan on its 10th anniversary , given Rama and few of my common friends are connoisseur of movies all of them had watched it together so the three musketeers who watched them were Rama, Goks (Gokul) & Tinku (aka Kishore).

As is the case with Rama when he had read the anniversary article about the movie, he had sent out an email to all our friends with the link and as is the case with e-mail threads, a conversation kicked-off, Rama explained in such detail about the movie theatre , which city, which place and what happened during the movie that i was stunned to see someone could remember things in such detail and explain things which i would have considered minutia, i was lost for words, how someone can have such passion to explain a movie watching experience with such classy poise.

It has been one of the best experiences for me for whole of this week.

Not only does he refreshes our memory but he also is a person who personally calls or emails each of his friends on their birthday, invariably its always him who reminds others of anniversaries.

Its not once or twice he has done this, he has done it consistently for last 11 years that i have known him. He is mister consistent in this.

It takes special talent and the will to keep memories intact. His mind is a real photo frame capturing every moment .

Great going Rama " The Time capsule & The Chord" , you make us feel nostalgic always!

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