Sunday, September 19, 2010


That word brings great emotions to lot of people , i want to write about the beauty in Chaos and the opportunity that it brings.

Of course realms has been written about how the recent financial crisis played out and how the chaos presented nice opportunity to players such as JP Morgan and Barclays.

I don't want to write about that but i actually want to write about the beauty of chaos in a ' market'. Some could argue that its no different from financial markets but for me normal markets are the mother of any other markets and i would like to focus on a day to day markets also called Mandi's.

Yesterday evening i went to buy my weekly groceries, i went to a large up-market super market store. Everything was in order, i could see signages and one could not miss the item that need to be bought.

I had a list of things that i had to buy , just went into the market and picked up the things , came off to the counter , paid the bill. All done in less than thirty minutes.

I just thought that was nice and easy, while i was just coming off, i just took a wrong turn and wandered off into a long corridor. When i came off the corridor, it was all chaos all that i could hear was frantic shouts and lots of people walking up and down.

I was taken aback , i could not understand what this was and why are so many people here and what is this noise all about.

Little did i realize that i had stepped into one of the largest weekly markets. I watched in utter dismay the voices that rose and the increased decible levels.

Even in the chaos of a free market , i could spot some savvy dealers forging very good deals, be it in selling old mobiles or selling few kilos of potato's. I could clearly see traders charming the buyers with improvised verses and also saw people who had already done great bargain deals.

It was commotion in short but not a sort that one need to be alarmed to but one where there is raw power of buying and selling.

As i stood there , i was just wandering off in my mind to villages in India where such weekly markets were the norm , i understood how much those markets were making India tick.

Its small in comparison to big supermarkets but i think i have fallen in love with the raw selling power of the merchants and the intelligent buyer spotting opportunity to make that extra savings.

I really did like it and i was watching the whole fun for almost an hour.

It was chaos all the way until Five in the evening , when order returned in the form of closure of markets for the day when all merchants had done the deals and many people were happy that they got what they wanted and even in those chaotic moments, there was beauty and opportunity.

It was true reflection of human spirit. Boy did i love it and left shaking my head with a big smile on my face.

Pure reflection of free market forces in action where supply and demand are the king.

Free market theorists would love this post!!!

1 comment:

  1. discovery of London continues. It is a pity though, that you did not find such things novel in India.

