Saturday, July 3, 2010

Its so Easy to Comment!!

How many times do we comment on others work , almost everyday. Don't we?

Atleast once a day we comment "oh mom same food everyday", "Can't you do this simple thing", "That's so simple","He should have done that ","It was a give away , he shouldn't have played like that".

Its easy to pass comments sitting in a couch or comment while we pass. Have we ever thought can i do the same thing better?

I learnt , its so easy to comment but when you are on spot light , things get awfully difficult to even deliver the smallest thing which we commented was easy thing to do.

Last three weeks i have been cooking for myself, believe me every single day when i cook , i think what the heck of a job this is and how difficult this can be .

I always used to ask my mum, oh ma, why same food everyday? Now with the experience of cooking for my own, well i think what a stupid question that was, when i didn't even realize how difficult job that was.

So easy to pass a comment until we are in the same place and doing the same job. So next time when you pass a comment beware that the work in question might warrant a even better comment.

1 comment:

  1. Very true! Good that you are realising the pains involved in cooking. Good for your future wife...I think you will appreciate her cooking more due to this!

