Sunday, July 25, 2010


Dictionary defines Loneliness as -without companions or solitary, it also maps it to a state of being sad.

Precise definition. Loneliness is a killer , i have now been almost alone for almost seven weeks but my loneliness is defined as being in an alien land without knowing not many people. If i just extrapolate my experience , i can truly understand what perfect loneliness could mean . It just frightens me. The sheer thought of perfect loneliness draws sweat in my brow.

All that being said about loneliness, there is one aspect which is important to give thought about. Although being alone is not the best of any human experience and human brain can go crazy with weird thoughts.

Hang on , weird thoughts but that comes from how we channel our energy , what i have come to believe is that there are some positive elements even in being alone .

If one channels the energy in the right direction while being alone , it can do wonders. I have come to a conclusion after being alone in seven weeks is that if one really strives hard to make a difference in oneself , being alone is not a bad place to start.

Because while being alone , one precious commodity "Time" is on ones side and if that can be used appropriately then to a major extent loneliness can be avoided and new skills can be acquired and existing skills can be sharpened.

What have i acquired in last seven weeks, not many but just two things , i have started seeing movies, that's new to me and i have tried to improve my cooking skills , i should say its improved . Lastly , i have given fitness my absolute priority.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Relocation- A Dedication

This Blog is dedicated to Suresh Iyer.
Moving any item from one to place to another even if its just a hundred meters is an effort.
Imagine relocating completely from one place to another, it is even bigger and a mammoth task.
I have discussed about relocation with Suresh lots of times as he has done relocation between, Mumbai,Bengaluru,Chennai and whenever he discussed about relocation and its difficulties, i used to think well what's all the fuss about? Should it not be very easy, just go to the new place, look at a house and settle in, job done.
How grossly wrong i was, i recently learned the acute issues facing relocation and that too to a completely new place.
Its difficult to find a right place which has right ambiance, good neighbours, proximity for travel,proximity for leisure activities, good set of colleagues .... the list is just endless.
You can imagine how much of an effort it is to get all of this right and you could imagine how much of pain one has to endure even if one of the item in the above list doesn't fit the bill.
This isn't it, there is more to do, when one relocates,all changes to bank accounts , changes to payments , let the local people know about your move , change of postal address.. phew its just such an enormous task.
Its dreadful to do it all alone . I have had a bit of luck as i have friends who are helping me out in my relocation.
Its been a great learning experience and i actually underestimated the efforts in relocation.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Its so Easy to Comment!!

How many times do we comment on others work , almost everyday. Don't we?

Atleast once a day we comment "oh mom same food everyday", "Can't you do this simple thing", "That's so simple","He should have done that ","It was a give away , he shouldn't have played like that".

Its easy to pass comments sitting in a couch or comment while we pass. Have we ever thought can i do the same thing better?

I learnt , its so easy to comment but when you are on spot light , things get awfully difficult to even deliver the smallest thing which we commented was easy thing to do.

Last three weeks i have been cooking for myself, believe me every single day when i cook , i think what the heck of a job this is and how difficult this can be .

I always used to ask my mum, oh ma, why same food everyday? Now with the experience of cooking for my own, well i think what a stupid question that was, when i didn't even realize how difficult job that was.

So easy to pass a comment until we are in the same place and doing the same job. So next time when you pass a comment beware that the work in question might warrant a even better comment.