Saturday, April 17, 2010

Govt Office

Disorganised, pathetic, mundane ... list of adjectives is endless.

That's what comes to our mind when we say govt. office and my experience yesterday at a government office was along the similar lines and by the time i finished my job i was sweating profusely, tired and dizzy.

Some of the basics amenities and planning was missing . What i found the most intriguing is the answer to why is this happening.

I keenly watched what was happening .Whilst fifty percent of our thoughts about govt offices are correct and are caused by the babus of the nation while the rest of it is contributed by the people/public themselves.

Much has been written about babus and what they need to do , I wish to look at what our public are causing and what they can do to assist in running the govt office in a better manner in this blog.

Firstly, we do not either read the rules or do not understand what it means, thereby causing misunderstanding, confusion and short of pandemonium.
Secondly, we do not obey the rules of the office , if the officer says to come at 11:30 we either go at 12:30 or go at 8:30 . This only irritates people.
Thirdly , our genuine lack of discipline either may it be standing in queue or going to the counter in order .

These sound silly but in a big scheme of things , these fairly rudimentary principles cause problems to the efficient running of our govt. organization .

I just realized that we need to contribute our bit to ensure that we help the govt. as much as possible.

Folks, next time when you go to a govt. office instead of complaining about the endless delays and bottlenecks , please do try and see what you can do to make it better.