Good Crystals, Dimonds, Glass Ware, Mont Blanc Pens, Rolex Watches.
What emotions do they evoke? They are often connected to richness and are expensive to buy.
Apart from the brand, have we thought why are they expensive? Until about a week , i was of the impression that these items are outrageously expensive to buy .
In the past week i have seen two documentaries that have changed that perception . These items are not expensive because they need to be but because of the skills that are involved in hand crafting the items.
I saw a documentary on Mont Blanc and one on world class glass ware. You would just not believe what it takes to make a quality wine glass or a top notch mont blanc pen.
Believe it or not , when you next visit a star hotel and hold a wine glass in your hand , think that these are hand crafted and there are about a dozen technicians who have worked to make that happen from just sand.
It is amazing to see how much it takes to make one and how much patience and interest is required to get it to the quality that warrants those prices.
Well these are worth their prices . Some may not agree. If you do not , well try and watch the documentaries that come under the title "How it works" in Discovery channel.You will know why iam saying this.
Its been a good learning week for me.