This is my first attempt to blog , so please do pardon if this hasn't come out well.
I have all along my professional career thought "why would managers be paid more than people who are actually working" ,moreover i always used to think what on earth is the job of a manager .
As always chatting around with people of my age group ,the answer to the above question was always - oh just sit in front of a pc and try to make sense of what is happenning and give some lecture about previous experiences when things go wrong . How many times i have heard this from vast majority of people. I infact went to the extent of actually considering that to be true untill recently.
It's generally said that you have to be on the hot seat to understand how tough it is to get through, same is true even in my case as a practising manager i can see and think why a manager has more responsibility and why is he being paid more . Right from conflict management to operations management a task of a manager is aplently but the real task in hand is how well does he get along with his team members and motivates them,that matters the most .
It is often said that manager's do not need to know the process indepth, i agree to that point only if the practising manager is functionally sound in the team's that he handles and where he can guide his team forward . One of the aspect that most managers forget is that his/her staff in the team need to grow only then will there be support for him/herself and the team from every individuals in the team.
The fascinating part of handling a team is the people , such beautiful characters these humans are ,we are different kind and we posses different ability. One who can bring the best out of each person ,whilst not hurting any other staff during the process is destined to suceed.
Its universally acknowledged that only managing people and forgetting business or vice versa will never help but a sucessful managers are the one's who manage the business and their people alike.